Corporate Sponsorship
With our sponsorship program we would like to extend an invitation to partner with the Deer Park High School (DPHS) Band and the Deer Park Band Boosters (DPBB). Your sponsorship will enable the band program to continue providing quality educational opportunities to the many students who participate. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to sponsor our band throughout the 2024-2025 school year.
The Deer Park Band Boosters is a 501(c) (3) organization dedicated to supporting the pursuit of excellence our band strives toward. Although the DPHS band is supported in part by the Deer Park Independent School District and student fees, the band boosters cover the many additional expenses that must be met to continue our commitment to excellence and to bridge the gap left by recent district budget cuts affecting the band program.
These expenses include the purchase and maintenance of our band equipment trailer, increasing transportation costs, maintenance of uniforms, marching drill design and music, expert instructors and technicians for marching, percussion and Color Guard, contest fees, recordings, communications and operating expenses.
To become a sponsor please contact the Booster President, Jessica Dudley, at DPHS Band Boosters. We look forward to partnering with you!